What makes this project so different from the others we have done is that it is so independent. We were required to think deeply not only about what our skills are but what we are passionate about and what has inspired so far this term. Before we were presented with a challenge of some sort and had to work it out ourselves, this time we had the added pressure of choosing a project that would challenge us just enough so we would be pushed to create and showcase our best work. This term the drawing and sketching has been my favorite thing, I look forward to every thursday for drop everything and draw and have practiced sketching in my sketchbook when there was no assignment. So when this project came around I instantly knew I wanted to draw something. Then came the question of whether to draw an inanimate object or a person. As I looked around the class room for inspiration I knew I wanted to draw the sculpture of the hand. This was the perfect compromise. Everyday I have come in to art class I have looked at that hand and wanted to duplicate it. I thought I would put it on the floor to enhance the lost feeling it has. Looking at it alone on the floor I thought it looked too lonely so I decided to add another object that would be symbolic. At first I wanted to draw a pocket watch to show how we have no handle on time but realized that would be to hard of a challenge in our time restraint. After talking about it with Ms. Roberts I decided a light bulb could provide a similar effect. It was not until I finished that I thought of naming the picture mente e manu, hand and mind, the motto of our school. When I was sitting on the floor drawing actually drawing it there were multiple times that I felt stuck, not knowing what to draw next and frustrated it did not look more realistic. It took a while but as it started to take shape I became more confident with shading and it really took off. With helpful tips from Ms. Roberts and Mr. Brooks I am really proud of what I created and I think it shows where I am in learning to sketch so far.