this comparison, like most opposites, is often compared to good and evil, happy and sad, or hot and cold, they all almost interchangeable. In all disney movies the mean witch is often dressed in black, living in a cold scary place. They are always dark. While our protagonist is surrounded by light and color, their happiness literally shines through their glow. This shows the connotations we associate with light. Light can also serve as a warning. Red light, green light, yellow light. Light has significance and meaning. Lights on=awake, Lights off=asleep. You could argue our lives are conducted by the light around us. Before clocks people measured their time with the sun dials. They guided themselves through unchartered waters with the light of the stars. Little kids are often afraid of the dark. As we get older they become less afraid, but why is dark so scary? is it that you cant see, you dont know what to expect. We are told that bad things happen in the dark. Do not stay out late, it is dark. People try to avoid the dark. So if dark is bad then is light good? Light is thought to be warm. Light is what make micro waves heat, x rays see. It brings tans to the surface of your skin, and dries your nail polish. Lights allow us to see more. It illuminates our minds. but light can be bad too, x rays cause tumors and microwaves burn and things explode. Where do our connotations and associations about light and dark go too far become more than what light actually is, a physical manifestation.
My Family Still Life
14 years ago
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