Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The principles of design

Principles of design: this set of rules that help artists from whatever they are working on
Balance: when the visual "weight" of an an artwork feels equally distributed
mirror image
-approximately symmetrical
almost mirror image feeling of symmetry
opposite of symmetric yet still could be balanced
-radial balance
coming out from the middle (circular) infinite lines of symmetry
rhythm and movement:
unity: feeling that everything works together, if something was missing it would be incomplete
variety: having some differences in shapes, colors, forms, order, etc.
Placement: where it is on the page
Contrast: color on color/contrasting colors
grouping: lots of the same thing around one different thing, little elements around inportant also their pose, arrows.
-same elements
-alternating elements
-progression=things getting smaller or change colors
Leading Lines: lines that draw your eye to the main subject
Implied Movement: someone/thing thats been moving. an illusion to make you believe they are
in motion. repition
Optical movement: a line or shape that repeates that makes you feel
like its moving (optical illusion)
Actual movement: art and engineering fusion
PROPORTION: size relationships within the painting or sculpture
Shapes> all to evoke emotion/story/emphasis

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